How to Use Robots.txt to Block Unuseful Pages And Why Does It Matter? [Guide]

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Latest update: August 28, 2024

Ensuring that search engines only crawl and index the most relevant and unique pages of your website is crucial for maintaining a strong online presence. The robots.txt file is a powerful tool for preventing certain pages from being indexed, which can significantly improve your site’s relevance and search engine ranking.

What are Blocked Pages?

Blocked pages refer to sections of your website that you intentionally prevent search engines from accessing. The guideline from Google suggests using robots.txt to block search result pages or other auto-generated content that offers minimal value to users from search engines. This proactive measure helps maintain the quality and focus of your website in search engine results.

The Significance of Blocking Duplicate Pages

Having search result pages indexed can lead to duplicate content issues, diluting your site’s focus and potentially damaging your standing in search results. For instance, a small website of five pages can inadvertently appear as a thousand-page website to search engines due to unblocked search result pages, leading to lower rankings and diminished site value.

Determining Which Pages to Block

Besides search result pages, many sites generate auto-created pages that, while not adding unique value, can also harm search rankings. Blocking pages sourced from affiliate databases or containing non-original content is vital for maintaining the integrity of your site’s content. Ensuring these pages are not indexed helps keep your website relevant and valuable in the eyes of both users and search engines.

How to Block Pages Using Robots.txt

Blocking content through robots.txt is straightforward. You can block entire folders, such as /searchresults/, to prevent search engines from indexing them. For dynamically generated content, using wildcards like Disallow: /*?* ensures that URLs containing question marks, which are typically associated with search pages or dynamic content, are not indexed.

What Pages Should Be Blocked from Googlebot?

To optimize your site’s SEO, consider blocking the following from Googlebot:

  • Search Result Pages: These can create duplicate content issues and dilute your site’s relevance;
  • Auto-generated Content: Pages that don’t provide unique value or are largely filled with affiliate links;
  • Low-Quality Pages: Any page that doesn’t meet the quality content standard set by your website, including underdeveloped or placeholder pages.

Blocking these pages helps concentrate Googlebot’s crawling efforts on high-quality, valuable content, enhancing your website’s overall SEO performance.

Why Is It an Important Block in Robots.txt for Unuseful Pages?

Blocking unuseful pages through robots.txt is crucial for several reasons:

  • Improves Site Quality: It ensures that only high-quality, valuable content is indexed and ranked by search engines;
  • Enhances User Experience: By preventing low-quality pages from appearing in search results, you deliver a better user experience;
  • Prevents SEO Dilution: Blocking these pages prevents the dilution of your site’s SEO efforts, allowing search engines to focus on content that enhances your site’s relevance and authority.

This strategic block safeguards your site’s integrity, ensuring that search engines and users see the best of what you offer.

How to Block All Unuseful Pages Using Robots.txt File?

Blocking unuseful pages via robots.txt involves:

  1. Identifying the Unuseful Pages: Start by determining which pages offer little to no value to your site’s visitors or to search engines;
  2. Editing the Robots.txt File: Access your site’s robots.txt file. This is usually located in the root directory of your site;
  3. Specifying the Disallow Directive:
  • For individual pages: Disallow: /path-to-your-page/
  • For directories: Disallow: /directory-name/
  • For dynamic content: Disallow: /*?*

Remember, the robots.txt file is a tool for directing search engine crawlers. Use it wisely to ensure that only your site’s most valuable content is indexed, improving your SEO and the user experience.


Effectively managing what shouldn’t be indexed is as crucial as optimizing what should be. By strategically using the robots.txt file to block unuseful pages, you ensure that search engines focus only on the content that truly represents your site’s value. This approach not only enhances your SEO efforts but also aligns your website more closely with the quality and relevance expectations of major search engines.

To further understand how robots.txt can be optimized to enhance your site’s SEO, Google’s SEO Starter Guide provides a comprehensive overview of best practices. This resource is invaluable for anyone looking to dive deeper into the mechanics of search engine optimization and ensure their website adheres to the most effective strategies.